Making healthy lifestyle choices – a new age fundamental

The way we live our life is a set of choices we make.

But do we always make the right choice? How does it happen that at times in spite of
knowing what’s not good for us, we do exactly that?  Why do we knowingly make poor
lifestyle choices? Why there is a gap between action and intention?

My client works in the financial services space and has very hectic and stressful work
schedule. He travels a lot and due to lack of time, binges on junk food. He is slightly obese. He spends about 3-3.5 hours on his daily commute and so doesn’t get time to exercise. He is totally aware that his lifestyle needs to change but he lacks commitment to the change. I had a chance to consult with health coach and my dear friend Palak Ahuja for this client to understand how I can help him transform to enhance his image. While discussing with her, I realised that it is not him but many people who need awareness.

So here’s introducing Palak Bhalla Ahuja. Palak is a certified health coach with RachnaRestores. She has been trained under Rachna Chhachhi to help in reversing Lifestyle diseases. Palak began with her mission to educate more people on lifestyle diseases and how they can be prevented and controlled with the correct nutrition and lifestyle changes after she herself suffered from an autoimmune disease. Doctors told her that her disease was not curable and the drugs she was given made her pain increase and digestive system collapse. After her suffering, she recovered only due to changing her own nutrition and lifestyle. Hence, she then decided to heal those suffering from diseases like obesity, cholesterol, bp, heart and autoimmune conditions so that she could make a difference to their lives.

She has a holistic training experience for all aspects of your health. It is a non-medical
way of advising you and helping you with changes in your lifestyle to improve health. Lots of lifestyle diseases have been reversed simply with some interventions.

Q : What as per you is total wellness?

“The concept of Total Wellness is Constant, its not about just getting regular checkups. Total wellness recognizes that every thought, word and behavior affects ones greater health and wellbeing and in turn are affected not only emotionally but physically also. Help ones body and mind to get rid of toxins and repair at a biological level.”

Q : Everyone loves to take control, so how do you help your clients to achieve their wellness and take control?

” I educate and support my clients to achieve their health goals through lifestyle and behavior adjustments in order to guide them in the field of nutrition, exercise and wellness.”

Q How can your clients achieve a certain kind of lifestyle and sustain it?

“I advise my clients to correct and follow proper diet, to self nurture themselves , exercise regularly and sleep.

Proper diet

The food one eats can be either the safest and the most powerful form of
medicine or the slowest form of the poison. Sometimes people do not realise that the food they are eating may not be right for them as they think. Food could be the core of one’s low energy, weight woes, restless nights and autoimmune issues. There is a difference between eating healthy and eating right for your body.

Self Nurture

One should treat themselves well. It is very essential to take care of ones emotional and physical needs by giving some ME time and doing things that one loves to do. Managing stress levels and let them not hamper ones health is the key.

Exercise regularly

Any kind of exercise in the form of yoga/gym/swim is great to keep away from diseases as it helps to reduce weight, boosts energy, uplifts the mood and promotes sleep.

Sleep – the most underrated

Sleep is the most important for overall health. An inadequate sleep is associated with numerous health problems. Research shows not getting enough sleep can lead to heart diseases, blood pressure, obesity and diabetes.

Once you follow these, diseases will stay away from you.”

Q How do you help them uplift their confidence which is lost due to lifestyle diseases?

“Most of the clients who come to us, have already tried all kinds of medication and
treatments. They are emotionally and mentally drained out. In order to treat them we have to constantly counsel and give them the confidence that will be able to lead a healthy life by changing their lifestyle.”

So that was her!

There are 3 C’s in life – Choice, Chance and Change. You must make a choice to take a chance if you want anything to change.

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