Communicate your words effectively to your advantage

Last week, a client was discussing that she finds it difficult to speak to her boss about salary raise. She said whenever she starts the discussion, her manager changes the topic or gives her an excuse to discuss the matter later. Post asking her questions about how she was communicating, I advised her on some pointers about how to approach her manager.

If I am to speak ten mins, I need a week for preparation; if fifteen minutes, three days; if half an hour, two days; if an hour, I am ready now.

Woodrow Wilson

Whether you are asking for raise from your employer, convincing a child, negotiating a client, defining your goals and many more such scenarios – everything requires both verbal and non-verbal communication. Both should work in synchronisation with each other to be effective.

First of all, block your manager’s time. The salary discussion should be the only agenda of the meeting. I advised her to be ready with her reasons on why she wants a salary raise. I feel if the facts are mentioned and written on a paper ready to be presented helps a lot rather than simply putting up everything verbally. It leaves no questions in the mind of the receiver.

It is very critical for her to be clear rather than fuzzy of what all needs to be communicated. In this kind of discussion, she can stick to the facts of her performance in both quantitative and qualitative aspects, if any targets were overachieved should be mentioned separately. Providing feedback from other seniors, colleagues about her performance can add to her advantage. She can also bring up industry benchmarks in subtle way or prove why raise will be a good investment for the firm. Any fact that can support her communication to turn to effective communication adds significantly for her discussion.

Ensuring the clarity of the message is very important. I told her that she might be distracted with the boss’s reactions, or if her manager is constantly checking messages/emails, but to keep the goal intact is very essential for effective communication. I insisted that if anyhow the discussion is distracted, she should bring it back on the table.

While discussing facts, she should be concise in the choice of her words. The meeting time should be dedicated to discuss the salary raise and consciously avoid getting into other issues. If her boss tries to change the topic, she should bring back to the original topic calmly.

Smiling businesswoman leading informal project meeting at office workstation

Another important aspect is to make an attempt to understand her boss. It is very important to listen and then carefully choose words to make one’s message meaningful and complete. At this point her boss may simply delay her decision or provide her with the reasons why a raise is not possible. In these situations, it is imperative to empathize to create a positive reaction and then emphasize what is possible with “her objectives” as the goal.

Being courteous, enthusiastic and reflective has an impact on the message you are trying to communicate. It shows respect for her manager.

Lastly, ensuring that there are no grammar errors in her communication. If the meeting is set for 30 mins, stick to it. She should prepare herself to be well timed. Using appropriate and correct language helps in boosting up her confidence level as well.

These are simple 7C’s to follow to direct your discussion as per your goal – Completeness, Conciseness, Consideration, Clarity, Concreteness, Courtesy and Correctness.

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